Modules is necessary to isolate one part of program from another.

Module Pattern

This is an old school way to do it. It’s based on the ideas of global scope and function scopes. IIFE:

var fightModule = (function () {
  var harry = '...';
  var voldemor = '...';

  function fight() {
    console.log(harry, voldemor);

  return {
    fight: fight,


This function should return all public variables and functions. jQuery is an example.


  • We reveal only one variable (name of module, fightModule in example above), and hihe everything else


  • We still polluting to the global namespace
  • We have to be sure that order of <script> tags is correct.

CommonJS and AMD

AMD - asyncronous module definition



function fight() {
  // ...

module.exports = {
  fight: fight


var module1 = require('module1');
var module2 = require('module2');

CommonJS is created mainly for the server (Node.js). It’s used by NPM also. In Node.js it works synctonously.

ES6 Modules

import module1 from 'module1';
import module2 from 'module2';

export function jump() {
  // ...
<script type="module" src="./script.js">

If we use export default we can import it without {}